What Is Diabetes, What Measures Can We Take To Prevent & Control It?

Feb 24, 2016Emily
What is Diabetes?

It is estimated that now 4 million of the British population have diabetes, which equates to a 65% increase within the last decade according to the charity Diabetes UK.

Plenty of research is currently being released about type 2 diabetes, ranging from its origin, causes and how it can be managed. A recent study looked at epigenetic biomarkers which could help identify and ultimately lead to reduction of severity of the illness.

"Type 2 diabetes is a chronic illness characterised by the presence of elevated blood glucose levels. It accounts for between 80 and 90% of diabetes cases and is one of the major cardiovascular risk factors. If not treated appropriately it can lead to very serious complications including strokes, heart attacks, neuropathy and blindness. The results of this study could aid in the early detection of this disease as well as helping assess the effectiveness of both treatments and lifestyle changes that the patients can make to control it" (IMIM, 2016)

How can we prevent & control Diabetes? 

We know that lifestyle choices can have an impact on managing diabetes, and we are often advised that exercise can help. however, for many exercise is seen as pounding the streets in the rain or the daunting experience of the gym.

"Small amounts of vigorous activity in quick successions are more "effective" compared to longer forms of exercise optimising the body's ability to use and store blood sugar, the research by the University of Leicester and the NIHR Leicester-Loughborough Diet, Lifestyle and Physical Activity Biomedical Research Unit (BRU) has found." (University of Leicester , 2016)

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has been shown to be a suitable alternative, this means bursts of energy between short periods of rest and it can be done in your own home, for example: walking up the stairs as quickly and safely as possible, then slowly returning back down and repeating 6 to 7 times. This can be progressed by either running up the stairs, or more repetitions, or by carrying weight in a rucksack. Once comfortable with this it can be taken outside and repeated for 'hill sprints' or a brisk walk among the undulating natural country side.

A study in Iowa looked into how simple diet changes could boost vitamin D levels for millions of Americans suffering from Type 2 diabetes. The study focused on the effects of an increased intake of eggs in the diet. (Iowa State University)

The results show a change with the equivalent of 17-18 whole eggs per day, expected to be less in humans, however still a fair few more than the 'average' UK daily intake. Thankfully with the combination of D3 with K2 (for the conversion as mentioned in the article) we can supplement our nutrition without the need for a weekly delivery truck of eggs.

Author: Marc Waterman

Marc Waterman is a natural health therapist, based in Wiltshire and Devon. Marc is a competitive body builder, and advocate of all-natural nutrition and training protocols.


IMIM. (2016, February 8). New type 2 diabetes biomarker identified:. (H. d. Institute, Ed.) Study has shown that the TXNIP gene is associated to patients with poor control of their glucose levels. Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160208112603.htm

Iowa State University. (n.d.). New promise for diabetics with vitamin D deficiency. Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160209090438.htm

University of Leicester . (2016, January 19). Intensive exercise with intervals 'more effective'. (U. o. Leicester, Ed.) Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160119074550.htm


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