New Branding and New Website | Metabolics Ltd

Nov 06, 2012Emily

We've achieved so much as a company in the last 18 months that we wanted to reflect that by updating our logo and branding.

We feel that the new logo is more contemporary and the branding is fresh whilst continuing to look clean and clinical.

So far everyone I've spoken to seems to really like the new branding but I'd like to hear your thoughts too.

Metabolics New Logo

You may have noticed that our website looks a little different to how it looked last week. The old site had several methods of collecting user feedback and we took everything that was submitted over the last 6 months to review. Thank you to everyone that gave us feedback as we've taken this all on board.

What we found was that we couldn't make all the necessary improvements if we continued to use the old platform on which the site was built, instead we invested in a new, more robust system. We hope that this will allow us to deliver all the functionality that you've asked for, however it will take us a while to roll all these developments out.

In the mean time let us know what you think of our new site and branding.

Best regards

Adam HutchinGoogle+

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