Vitamin D and Epigenetics Seminar

Nov 07, 2012Emily

I wanted to thank everyone that joined us on Saturday 3rd of November at the Royal College of Physicians for the great talks that were delivered by our speakers.

It was certainly one of the best CPD seminars I have ever attended and I’m very proud to have had two such distinguished guests to present at a Metabolics seminar.

It was also a real pleasure to catch up with so many friends and colleagues that I haven’t seen for so long, as well as to make some new friends too, especially in such a wonderful venue.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to personally thank Dr William Davey and Dr Michael Holick for their excellent presentations.

Dr Davey’s introduction to the “Epigenetic Lifestyle” has been built on meticulous research and years of experience.  It was wonderful to see all this condensed into several hours of easily digestible content with real world application, particularly from someone with an incredible understanding of this exciting field of research.

Dr Holick said he aimed to make us see why so many people are Vitamin D deficient by the end of his talk, and I have to say, I think he easily achieved this goal!  It was a real treat to have a world expert in their field come all the way over to the UK to spend the day with us.  I’m sure, like me, you all went away with a lot of new information to process.

I had already been fortunate enough to spend some time with Dr Davey on the development of our “epigentics support” products which I take regularly, however I have to admit that following Dr Holick’s talk I will be increasing my Vitamin D intake!

Thank you also to all those of you who have emailed me some really kind messages, your feedback is much appreciated.

I’ll look forward to seeing many of you at forthcoming seminars.  We’ll keep you updated about video available of the day, in the mean time If you’d like to see any of the pictures they’re available on the Metabolics Facebook and Google+ pages.

Best regards

Alison Claire Google+

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